
Monday 28 October 2013

Pet lamb Presents

A few weeks ago a little parcel arrived at Pet Lamb HQ and we've been meaning to tell you guys about it! However as you all know things have been a little hectic lately with the move and all, it seems that we're just now starting to get back on top of things!

We were lucky enough to be sent custom Lamb necklaces from the lovely Anna over at Custom Made!

Everything at Custom Made is hand made  by Anna and her lovely team.

Us Lambs think we might have to add a few of their goodies to our Christmas lists, they'll fit perfectly in our stockings!

Thursday 24 October 2013

Costume Crazy

Halloween has got to be, hands down our favorite time of year! Not only do we get to gorge ourselves on candy, carve pumpkins and pretend to be the Scooby Gang, we get to dress up! 

Previous years have looked something like.......

This year we're planning on dressing as the Grady twins from the Shining, watch this space to see how we get on with our costumes!

What are you going as this Halloween? We'd love to know!

Thursday 17 October 2013

Squash and Beetroot Salad

People can generally be categorised into two groups, salad lovers and salad dodgers.  Usually I fall into the latter category.  It's not that I dislike salad, I just don't recognise it as a meal.  To me a salad is something that comes on the side, something to pick at once you've finished your actual food.  I admire people who can order a healthy salad for lunch and actually enjoy it, you people have some major willpower.  

The one thing that can sway me from my usual salad dodging ways is a hearty, warm autumnal salad and that is exactly what this is.  There's nothing dainty about this salad, sweet roasted squash and beets studded with big chunky croutons and creamy feta.  This is something special.

Squash and Beetroot Salad
Serves two

1 medium queen squash, peeled and chopped
4 raw beetroot, peeled and cut into wedges
100g feta cheese cut into squares
100g stale bread cut into chunks
1/2 bag rocket
Hand full of cherry tomatoes halved
5tbsp extra virgin olive oil plus extra for cooking
2tbsp balsamic vinegar
1tbsp dijon mustard
Salt & pepper

Preheat your oven to 200C.  Put the squash and beetroot in a large roasting pan and coat with oil.  Roast for 30 minutes until soft and sweet.  

While your veg is roasting make your dressing.  Mix together the oil, vinegar and mustard, season to taste and set aside.  Put a frying pan over a medium heat and coat with oil, fry your croutons until golden.

When your veg is ready mix with the rocket, feta and tomatoes and plate up.  Sprinkle over your croutons and dressing before digging in.

Thursday 10 October 2013

Lions and tigers and bears

Us lambs have a love/hate relationship with bank holidays.  On one hand it's a day off (hooray!), on the other hand it messes with our weekly routine in the shop.  We like routine, routine is good!  As we'd just closed the old shop, we decided to love the final summer bank holiday of the year and take a day trip to the zoo.  Who doesn't want to spend the day looking at tigers?

South Lake Wild Animal Park is a fantastic open air safari park style experience, only without the cars and the miles of squinting to see a lion.  As you enter you're instantly faced with adorable lemurs skipping around your feet, monkeys swinging through the trees inches above your head and capybaras (my personal faves) chilling by wandering emus.  

We were like kids at Christmas, oohing and ahhing at all of the adorable critters.  When the opportunity came up to hand feed lemurs we almost fainted, grabbing at handfuls of grapes for the canny little furballs.  We can now safely say we can die happy girls after holding hands with a ring tailed lemur while it chuffed down a little grape.

If you are ever in the Lake District for a time or even if you're just passing through, do try and make time to visit this wonderful zoo.  You'll have a blast, we sure did!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Breakfast Club: Rhubarb and Strawberry Overnight Oats

Overnight oats seem to have exploded online recently.  With the new trend of eating clean and healthy it really is the perfect breakfast for all of those super fit gym bunnies with abs bursting out of their slinky vests.  To be clear, we are not those girls! We are girls who see something new and want to eat it regardless of fat content, it just so happens that these are good for us.  Hurrah!

For you busy bees who like to spend as much time in bed before dashing off to work, this breakfast is for you.  Prepared in advance and left in the fridge over night you can just grab and go, prepare a weeks worth if you're really into it.

Rhubarb and Strawberry Overnight Oats

For the Oats:
125ml Hazelnut Milk (or any milk you want, I just like hazelnut)
100g Rolled Oats
1tbsp Flax-seed
2tbsp dessicated coconut
1tsp Cinnamon
1/2tsp Ground Ginger
100ml Greek Yogurt

For the sauce:
250g fresh or frozen rhubarb
150g fresh or frozen strawberries
Splash of water
1/2tsp vanilla extract
2-4tbsp sugar - to taste

For the Oats:
Simply put everything into a large bowl and stir together.  Pop in the fridge over night or decant into jars (mixture is easily doubled or tripled) with the sauce for grab and go ease.

For the sauce:
Put everything in a sauce pan and bring to the boil.  Turn the heat down and simmer until you have a delicious thick, jammy sauce.  Around 30 minutes.  Leave to cool and use in you oats, spread it on toast or slap into some rice pudding. Yum!